TutorialThe cipher puzzle should be fairly straightforward. Fill in a few phrases and then hit the "Make Puzzle" at the bottom of the page. Try a few simple puzzles to see that you know the basic function. Next, there are a number of options to generate puzzles to better match your needs. Along with each option is a link on the right to help explain what the option does. Easy PuzzlesPick a simple "caesar" cipher that just shifts each letter by a number. So a "caesar" puzzle with a shift of "2" will turn an "A" into a "C", a "B" into a "D", etc. Once the user is confident that they have the right count, it is straight forward to decode the phrases. Keep the length of the key to "1". This means that there is a single mapping of one letter to its corrosponding result. Hard PuzzlesAt the other end, some people want puzzles as hard as possible.