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alluvial used by stems and fruits of plants
media living microscopic organisms found in soil
topsoil layer of soil
peatmoss organic matter made from sphagnum moss
decompose dead plant and animal tissue that enriches the soil
percolation nitrogen fixating plants such as clover and beans
perlite horizon of unconsolidated material from which soil develops
bogs used by plant's foliage
phosphorus the white styrofoam looking chips found in soil mixes; holds water and creates pore spaces
aggregates the sweetness of a soil and has a pH of 7.1-14
tillable soils that are workable by tools
inert pale and ashy mosses used to condition soils
hydroponic water logged areas
parent measurement of soil that ranges from 1-14; percent Hydrogen
crumbs growing plants in water
clay materials that provide plants nourishment and support through their root systems
nitrogen the tendency of soil particles to cluster and function as soil units
permeable soils deposited by gravity
pH washing out of minerals in soil
profile rot or decay into soil building materials and nutrients
mineralmatter adding air to the soil
silt liquid fertilizer sprayed directly onto plants
acidity medium sized soil particles
alkalinity fertilizers that contain N, P, and K
potassium cross-section view of soil
filler Solid rock in the soil profile
horizon low grade limestone added to complete fertilizers
structure mixture of partially decomposed oranic matter
vermiculite used by roots of plants
neutral the sourness of a soil and has a pHof less than 6.9
glacial nonliving items found in the soil such as rock
foliarsprays smallest soil particles
colluvial soils transported by streams
compost inactive materials
amendment the movement of water through the soil
sand mineral matter used for starting plant seeds and cuttings
sidedressing placing fertilizer in rows pretty close to the actual plant
organicmatter good soil found near the top of the soil profile that supports good plant growth
aeration aggregates added to soil
bedrock allowing movement in soil
leaching soils deposited by ice
sphagnum an addition to soil
complete largest soil particles
microbes scaattering fertilizer and/or seeds
legumes soil units being held together by a gel-type substance formed by organic matter
broadcasting 7.0 on pH scale

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