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Dr. Reimer

This puzzle is using Vocabulary from a Job Readiness Chapter on Occupational Safety

Carelessness Devices to protect your eyes.
Shock What you should treat for Thirdly
Breathing Whom you report accidents to.
Pull What we should always think about on the job.
Everyone Law that demanded Safety in the 70's
Vapor Where you attach Electrical wires to for safety
Rules Who should be concerned with safety
Able Things that can burn are...
Always You ... report all accidents
Guards The problem that causes most accidents
Boss What you should treat second
First The most dangerous part of gasoline
Must What could happen to you if you ignore safety rules.
Ladder The type of aid anyone can be trained to give
Fired When you should be thinking about safety
Extinguisher tool used to climb.
Where What you can do
Ground You need to know ... you can eat safely.
Flammable The guidelines for safety
Bleeding What you should not do to an extension cord
Shields The tool used tro stop a fire
OSHA Devices on tools to shield you
Safety What you should treat first

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