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LOOK SHARP Making Your Appearance Work for You at Work

Opelika Career Center

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culture Mustaches and beards should be clean and well
modestly People who are nicely dressed without too much flash
toneofvoice Can make or break a job opportunity
outofyourway Shows the LEAST tolerant of personal differences
work If you do not look clean, you are not
oil People who generally wear clothes that are clean and well suited to the job
slippers Avoid dressing up your uniform with a lot of accessories and
expectations Most obvious piece of appearance and most expensive
responsible Obvious body piercing and tattooes are still
behavior Our strongest and most honest communication
groomed Stays in people's minds and affects the way others think of you
unacceptable Customers that make businesses stay in business for a long time
wellgroomed In all cases, the main objective in the "Look Sharp" booklet is being
out Differences due to individuality, religion or ethnic background
repeat Sort of clothing representing the individual is fun-loving
clean The creator of presentation
trimmed Companies have different types of work and different types of
casual Clothes designed for sports, beaches, and fancy parties are not sutiable for
workplace A form of nonverbal communication
diversity "Get off on the right foot" by determing the company's
hardworking Example of nonverbal information/communication
you I spend most of my time on my hair, and it's still dirty... reflects hair that has excessive gel or
littlemoney Comfortable shoes make sense, but not
company If your employer requires this, wear it every time you go to work
bodyorder In the American workplace, this is not expected nor desired
appearances During the summer, dress lightly but
jewelry Always keep your hair clean and
clothes Nonverbal communication sends message about you and the
badge Tank tops, torn garments, sexually revealing clothes are all examples of __________ clothing
nonverbal Wearing a uniform, shopping thrift shops, buying out-of season and buying classics are ways to shop with
firstimpressions When you are __________ appropriately you feel confident

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