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House Construction

Jim Hilker

Materials, terminology, tools, and methods of residential construction

Level Used to place mortar on blocks
vaulted carries the support member over a window or door
Jamb an agreement between the client and contractor
Mitre the wooden floor framing member
Batter The cement used in concrete and mortar
soffit A style or type of roof shingle
rough holds the vinyl siding where it meets the bottom of windows and roof overhang
fascia Bad air escaping
hardhat the material fastened to the inside of stud walls to give it the surface
dado used to layout rafters and stair stringers
housewrap The acronym used to identify concrete blocks
Circular the number stamped on rebar is determined by the diameter in __________ of an inch
rafter A saw used to make angle cuts
jack a roof design type where the inside slopes but less pitch than the outside
blueprints the project ____________ oversees all of the budgets, scheduling, materials, and man power
manager Solid blocking or
framingsquare The machine shaves off a wood surface to make it smooth
baseboard The maximum allowed inches between railing balusters
truss the term used for the stones in concrete mix
Hydration the board system used to layout building lines and corners
slump the term for the consistencey of wet concrete
foreman the roof design for a standard pitch roof
CMU A single roof framing member
Trowel A machine that shaves off edges to make them straight and even
gable the construction plans or drawings
router the lead carpenter on residential construction sites
gambrel Air infiltration barrier
header Support above a window or door opening
casing The saw most commonly used to make cuts on the job site
Hurricane In a framed wall you have a window _______ opening
ventilation the metal piece that is applied to the outside corners when sheetrocking walls
OSHA What you should present when you apply for a job
Joist The part of the door frame that the hinges are attached to
jchannel the vinyl exterior trim piece that goes around windos and doors
eights Nail guns are operated through __________ air
vaporbarrier The board that makes the steps
loosely The government department that regulates safety
Planer responsible for design the useability, looks, and code compliance of a building project
bridging Also known as joint compound
Portland the exterior trim that covers the end cuts of the roof framing
safetyglasses to be worn on when work is being done above you
architectural The clips used to help tie down the roof to the walls
sheetrock A manufactured roof system component
aggregate the reaction that is caused when water is added to concrete mix
architect the exterior trim that covers the roof overhang and provides air flow into the attic
specifications trim around doors and windows
Four the construction documents that describe the materials and methods
Resume typical design type of a barn roof
Stringer to be worn anyitme there is a potential of items flying through the air
screed responsible for designing the structural components of a building
Spackle Place the insulation ___________ around the window and door jambs
Compressed the main purpose of the paper on fiberglass insulation
Square 3,4,5 traingle means the building is
Jointer a stick or board used to layout and use as a siding template
ledger The tool used to test for plumb
storypole Trim along the bottom of an interior wall
contract the tool used to intially level the placed concrete
cornerbead the name of the deck board that is fastened to the side of the house
engineer a tool used to cut fancy edges on wood
undersill a table saw cutting blade for making channels

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