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Manifold gauge set Term for a refrigerant that can be mixed with the existing refrigerant in an air conditioner.
Performance test Air-conditioning hose with an internal liner to prevent the escape of R-134a refrigerant.
Miscible Refrigerant used in the air conditioning systems of most vehicles manufactured after 1992. Replaced R-12 due to environmental concerns
Schrader valve An electrically operated instrument used to test air conditioning system for refrigerant leaks.
Refrigerant Unit in air conditioning system used to transform refrigerant from a liquid to a gas. It is at this point that cooling takes place.
Phosgene gas Checks the refrigerant and heating system components for proper pressures and temperatures.
Blend door Refrigeration system with a fixed (does not change size) orifice tube. Evaporator pressure is controlled by turning the compressor clutch on and off
Blended refrigerant Refrigerant used in older air conditioning systems. Gradually being replaced by R-134a in newer vehicles.
Barrier hose Unit in air conditioning system that cools hot compressed refrigerant and turns it from vapor into liquid.
Muffler Finned device for heating vehicle interiors. Resembles a small radiator
Functional test Door installed in the air conditioning blower case. Controls temperature of the air going to the passenger compartment.
Condenser Removal of air.
Drop-in refrigerant An electromagnet that draws the clutch hub inward, locking the revolving pulley to the compressor shaft
Vacuum pump Process of converting an air-conditioning system that uses R-12 to handle R-134a refrigerant.
Orifice tube Air conditioning system switch that cuts off the refrigeration system pressure if the pressure becomes so high that the compressor could be damaged or refrigerant lost.
Refrigerant oil Having the ability to absorb moisture from air.
Accumulator A manifold assembly containing two pressure gauges (one high, one low), two gauge valves, and three outlet connections. Used to service (discharge, charge, evacuate) air conditioning system
Heater core To reuse a portion or all the refrigerant taken from a refrigerant system.
Air Conditioning Type of restrictor used to control refrigerant flow between the condenser and evaporator
Cycling clutch Orifice A microorganism killer.
R12 Liquid used in refrigeration systems to remove heat from evaporator coils and carry it to condenser
R134a Diaphragm pump used to produce vacuum.
Refrigerant Recycling This switch opens and closes the electrical circuit to the clutch based on low-side pressure.
R22 System used to control the temperature, movement, cleanliness and humidity of air in a vehicle
Evaporator Valve designed to open at specific pressure. This will prevent pressures in system from exceeding certain limits
Retrofitting Type of restrictor that the entrance of liquid refrigerant into the evaporator is controlled by varying the opening of the expansion valve, based on the temperature at the evaporator outlet
Service fittings Often placed between compressor and condenser to reduce pumping noise.
Boiling point Significant New Alternatives Program of the Environmental Protection Agency. A program to identify refrigerants that can be used to replace R-12. Refrigerants found acceptable for their impact on global warming might not perform well in an air conditioning system.
SNAP program Switch that cuts off the refrigerant system pressure if the pressure becomes so low that the compressor could be damaged.
Hygroscopic Process of removing oxygen from an air conditioning system by pumping air out of the system, creating a vacuum
High-pressure Cutoff switch Valve that stops the flow of engine coolant through the heater core when heating is not needed.
Evacuating Exact temperature at which a liquid begins to boil.
Evaporator pressure control Resistor that changes its resistance in relation to temperature.
Electronic leak Detector Refrigerant used in commercial cooling applications.
Thermistors Device used to raise pressure of refrigerant in an air conditioning system. Also causes refrigerant to flow through system.
Pressure cycling switch Pressure-regulating valves.
Compressor Check for proper system operation at different settings.
Thermostatic expansion valve Refrigerant made with two or more chemical compounds
Shut off valve A very toxic (poisonous) gas. Can be formed when refrigerant is exposed to an open flame.
Pressure relief valve Valve, similar to spring-loaded valve used in tire stem, used in car air conditioning and fuel injection system service valves.
Purging Special oil that lubricates air conditioning compressor.
EPA A federal agency concerned with air, water, and ground pollution reduction.
Compressor clutch Fittings that connect the refrigeration system to the service hoses.
Low- pressureCutoff switch Receiver-dehydrator combination.
Biocide Oil that can be mixed and be carried with the refrigerant to lubricate moving parts.

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