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Career Management - Growth and Development

Leslie Rael

No description

wellness plan any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature
peer mediation a physical or psychological need for a substance
drug substances in food that the body needs to produce energy and stay health
sexual harassment the process of settling a dispute by bringing in a neutral classmate
balanced diet a chemical substance that brings about physical, emotional, or mental challenges
drug abuse the process by which plants and animals take in and use food
food guide pyramid emotional and physical tension resulting from the body's natural response to conflict and change
calories a guideline created by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services to help you get the nutrients you need
nutrients units of energy produced by food when it is used by the body
stress how well your heart and other organs function
nutrition an intake of food that supplies all the nutrients to maintain good health
physical fitness a detailed outline tht describes the way you will take care of your body
addiction the use of a drug in a way that can damage a person's health

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