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All About Nails


A study guide for Cosmetology students

lunula Nails grow ___ _____ inch per month
rebalancing Oval, round and square and _____ are the 4 basic shapes.
physician Cause of a disease or condition
onychocryptosis Extends beyond the end of the finger
round This shapes and shortens the natural nail
shinbone If your client has a nail disease, refer them to a _____.
pointed Agnails are considered to be a nail condition. True-false?
Etiology Where the matrix and nail bed meet
nail body This overlaps the lunula
perionychium This ensures adhesion to the nail
nail bleach How many signs of infection are there?
lightly buff Onychomycosis is a nail _______.
Styptic this procedure smoothes out corrugations
monomer Another name for a fill in.
two coats Do not touch the ____ after primer has been applied.
strongest nerves and blood vessels are found here
cutical This contains hydrogen peroxide to remove nail stains.
matrix This determines the shape of the nail
White spots Another name for the nail plate
Nail strengthener Loose and pliable skin around the nail
mantle Holds the root and matrix
Sloughing This helps prevent nails from splitting and peeling.
eponychium Furrows are a nail ________.
Disease touches and overlaps the nail
True Ingrown nails
one eigth Apply ___ _____ of polish
six loosening of the nail
Primer What is leuconychia?
Fungus Use a cotton wrapped ________ _____ to push back cuticals
orangewood stick Square shaped nails are the _____.
free edge This is caused by a vegetable parasite
nail bed This stops bleeding
onycholysis Liquid part of acrylic nail products.
Emery board Avoid pressure here during a pedi service
Nail _________ lotion removes dead skin cells.
disorder What direction do you buff nails in?
horizontal Mens nails are to be filed _____ or square

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