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The Accounting Game

Rowan and Ali

No description

Entity The characteristic that states that: Reports should contain all relevant information which is useful for decision-making.
Asset The principle that states that: Transactions should be recorded at their original purchase price.
Equity The principle that states that: The business is separate from the owner and other entities, and its records should be kept on that basis.
Non-current Asset The characteristic that states that: Reports should be presented in a manner that makes it easy for the user to comprehend their meaning.
Comparability The characteristic that states that: Reports should be comparable over time through the use of consistent accounting procedures.
Understandability The principle that states that: All items must be recorded and reported in the currency of the country of location where the reports are being prepared.
Current Liability A present obligation of the entity as a result of past events, of which the settlement is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits in the next 12 months.
Non-current Liability A resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events, from which future economic benefits are expected.
Reliability A present obligation of the entity as a result of past events, of which the settlement is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits.
Conservatism A present obligation of the entity as a result of past events, of which the settlement is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits sometime after the next 12 monthss.
Monetary Unit The principle that states that: The life of the business must be divided into 'periods' of time to allow reports to be prepared.
Relevance A resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events, from which future economic benefits is expected for 12 months or less.
Current Asset The principle that states that: The business should use the same accounting methods to allow for the comparison of reports from one period to the next.
Going Concern The characteristic that states that: Reports should contain information verified by source document evidence.
Liability The principle that states that: The life of the business is assumed to be continuous, and its records are kept on that basis.
Consistency A claim on the assets of the firm, consisting of both liabilities and owner's equity.
Report Period A resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events, from which a future economic benefit is expected for more than 12 months.
Historical Cost The principle that states that: Losses should be recorded when probable, but gains only when certain.

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