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Mrs. Holt

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restate what you can't do during the writing test
five a statement of suprise or excitement; a sentence ending with an exclamation mark
interrogative a word that sounds the same and has different meanings (example:principal;principle)
prompt the last paragraph of a story
homophone what each sentece should be
dictionary Your teacher can read the prompt aloud ______________(this many times.)
conclusion this type of word is a person, place or thing and can be proper
noun words that enrich your writing, we learn them every week
pencil this type of word shows action, and can also be helping
indent a question; a sentence ending with a question mark
verb the type of letter you use to start a new sentence
synonym an idea or phrase that sets the topic of your story
declarative In the first paragraph you should ______________ the prompt.
hook what writing can be
talk a word that means the same (example: sad:sorrowful)
fun what you should use to look up synonyms or more colorful words that mean the same thing
introduction a word that describes (an idea, a person, etc.)
adjective a word that means the opposite (example: sad;happy)
capital what needs to be at the end of every sentence
complete what you should use to look up the meaning of a word.
exclamatory what you do at the beginning of a new paragraph
vocabulary how many paragraphs a good piece of writing should have
plan the first paragraph of a story
punctuation what you do before you write
correct a statement;a sentence ending with a period
twice what you have to write with during the writing test
antonym the type of spelling you need to be sure to use
thesarus The first sentence of your story should _______the reader.

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