lucid: | | to take great pleasure in, enjoy |
bolt | | to become weak or weary, lose energy, droop |
parley | | discussion or c onference, informal between enemies |
annihilate | | to reduce to nothing |
discourse | | misfortune, faced with challenges |
forewarn | | a conversation an exchange of ideas |
languish | | to shrink from with horrore, to feel disgust toward something |
appease | | asking earnestly and honestly |
abhor | | happy, cheerful, joyous |
vigilant | | incapable of error, dependable, reliable |
prudence | | watchful to discover danger, wary |
vex | | strong winds; technically 32-63 m.p.h. |
linger | | to irritate, provoke, distress, worry |
mandate | | to remain or stay in a place longer than expected |
squall | | one who uses power oppressively, an absolute ruler |
tyrant | | strong, healty, vigorous, rough |
desolate | | to warn in advance, advise, caution |
wail` | | to pacify, especially by granting favors |
blithe | | to go on shore from a boat or from land onto a boat |
clamor | | to scream or cry harshly or loudly |
adversity | | deserted without people, without friends or hope |
robust | | to utter a prolonged, inarticulate mornful cry |
revel | | to divide into parts; to mutilate |
shrewd | | to run away; to dash out suddenly |
encumber | | to acknowledge as true, just, proper; to admit |
dismembered | | a loud continuous uproar, commotion |
concede | | having keen insigt, discerning, astute, crafty |
infallible | | to hold back, hainder, burden with difficulties |
congenial | | shining or bright, clear or transparent |
supplicant | | having similar traits and interests; getting along |
gales | | an order, an instruction from authority |
disembark | | wise, judicious,cautious,discreet regard for one's own interes |