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A Midsummer nights Dream.. Characters

Melanie Labossiere

No description

Snout Is to marry in 4 days
Theseus Love juice makes him love Helena
Titania Kills himself because he thinks his lover is dead
Starvling Loves Lysander
Pyramus Is in charge of the wedding entertainment
Puck Thinks he is the best actor ever
Demitrius Wants the indian boy
Snug The Joiner
Thisbe Isn't happy with who is daughter is marrying
Hermia Wants to marry Demetrius
Bottom Finds her lover has stabbed himself to death and kills herself
Helena Runs away into the woods with his love to get married but love juice interfears
Hippolyta plays pyrumus's father in the play put on at the weeing
Lysander Won a battle and is marrying the Queen of the Amazons
Philostrate plays Thisbes mother in the play put on at the wedding
Oberon Falls in love with Bottom (the ass) thanks to the love potion
Egeus Puts love juice in the wrong peoples eyes
Quince The leader of the craftsmen putting on the play

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