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Medieval Theatre

S.B. S.M. S.C.

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Morality plays general acting area, adjacent to the mansion.
Chronical plays productions based on historical events
Passion Play The life of Joan of Arc, the French Heroine who rescued France during its darkest moments of the Hundreds Years War.
Miracle plays Play One- about Christ or from the Old Testament
William the Conqueror Play Four- concerned with the last week in the life of Christ
Cycle an entire sequence of plays; they were short plays depicting religious history from creation through dooms
Joan of Arc mayor of the palace of the Merovingian Frankish kings, son of the mayor Pippin II and his second wife or concubine Alpaida.
Interludes- series of acting stations placed in a line
Pagent wagon Short humorous sketches preformed between serious plays
Charels Martel Play Three- didactic allegories, often of common man’s struggle for salvation
mansions highly artistic spectacles glorifying the nobility that were written and preformed for their entertainment.
Masques Play Two- lives of saints, historical and legendary
platea Robin Hood is a fictional character believed to have been Fulk FitzWarin. Read whether he existed and what happened to him.
Mystery plays William the Conqueror is perhaps the most important figure of the Middle Ages. His rule marked the massive construction of castles in medieval Europe.
Robin Hood Stage on wheels divided into two levels, the upper level was the platform stage and the lower level was curtained off and served as a dressing room.

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