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Basic Theatre Terminology

Mrs. Beane

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Aside Space at the sides of the stage, just behind the curtains. Performers enter and exit from the wings
Ingenue book or script of an opera or musical
Bit Part A sunken area at the front of house where the musicians and conductor are housed. The conductor is elevated so that both musicians and performers can see him
Copy The number of performances of a particular production
Callback Quickly cutting the lights to make the stage area completely dark
Dress Rehearsal A singer/dancer who knows the chorus parts and who substitutes for missing chorus members
Set Any area not seen by the audience, including dressing rooms
Action A process whereby perspective actors/singers/dancers perform in front of a group of individuals usually including the director and/or stage manager who are looking to cast specific roles and chorus
Break a Leg A style of singing in which a large, full tone is used. (found in musical theatre)
Scrim A reception lounge for performers, waiting to go on
Greenroom The part of the stage in front of the curtain (between the proscenium arch and the edge of the stage)
Backstage Visual humor - can involve a prop, costume, or movement
Off Book A performer who is ready to take over a specific role if the original performer is unable to do a performance (usually due to illness)
Box Office Any performers, crew, stage hands, etc. associated with a particular show
Characterization An arch that separates the stage from the audience
Reprise Adding the traits, quirks and mannerisms of a particular character
Extra A final rehearsal with all make-up, costumes, sets, lighting, sound etc. A dry run of the exact performance, just without an audience
Belt A short remark made to the audience by one of the characters in the play
Swing A long speech given by one character
Timing A rehearsal where lighting, scene changes, sound cues and special effects are rehearsed
Pit The furniture, props, backdrops etc. that transform the bare stage into the proper location for the performance
Blackout Those lights that illuminate the audience area and are turned off before the show commences
Thrust A stage area where the audience sits on 3 sides
Cue The main division of a play or musical
Wings At a stage in rehearsals when the actors are no longer using their scripts as lines have been committed to memory
Act Being able to deliver words or actions at the most effective moment
House To dismantle the set
Casting The place where one can purchase tickets to the show
House Lights Final bows at the end of a performance
Blocking The major theatrical district in New York City
Cold Reading Can include lobby and box office. A place where audience members can mingle before the performance starts
Libretto The dialogue (libretto) of a musical. (the script)
Book Although the director can fall under many subheadings, it is the person responsible for the overall artistic vision of the production
Strike The process of choosing performers to play the selected roles
Tech Rehearsal A rehearsal of a part of the script (without interruption)
Front of House An opening in the stage floor where performers and/or props etc. can disappear
Apron That which signals when to enter, exit, play music, change lighting, etc
Company A person who is used to provide proper background but who doesn't have lines
Trap When a director selects a few performers from auditions who are asked to return for a second try-out
Director A repetition of an earlier musical number (in part or in whole)
Overture The place where the audience is seated (often also refers to the audience itself)
Curtain Call The interplay between performers
Understudy An old theatrical adage meaning "good luck"
Sight Gag A small role
Run Through The orchestral beginning to the show, usually incorporating many of the familiar themes of the musical into it. It gets the audience into the spirit of the musical before the show begins
Monologue A gauze or net curtain that becomes transparent when lit from behind
Audition A young girl's role (often in a romantic setting)
Proscenium To play more than one role in the same production
Double Reading a part from a script that one has not rehearsed before
Run Providing the actors with their locations on stage and their actions

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