CommanderDolim | | "I will only be 66 on my next birthday" |
OrionChick | | "when in Rome" |
Talas | | "you're not my commanding officer now" |
DrPhlox | | "she does have a really nice bum" |
ComannderShran | | "the sexual tension is obviously due to T'Pol" |
Rajiin | | "I'll let you two get acquainted" |
T'Pol | | "my mother has top security clearance" |
JonathanArcher | | "I don't want to see you get hurt Captain" |
Hoshi | | "I trust you did everything to save that Vulcan ship" |
Erika | | "should I take her to warp sir" |
Soval | | "do we really need these people" |
Silix | | "I'm looking for rare Archerite ore" |
Malcolm | | "security codes are just numbers" |
TripTucker | | "what floor is the Captain's Quarters on" |
Mayweather | | "It's a shame......all that water" |