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The Sun and Other Stars

Eric Alberty

Read the clues to solve the crossword puzzle.

blue _____ stars are the hottest stars (hint...it's a color)
spectrum The brightness of a star as seen from Earth is called the star's ______ magnitude.
constellations The constellation Ursa Major is also called this.
sunspots Cloud of gas and dust in space.
elliptical These stars are hot but very small.
apparent The Sun and most stars that you can see at night are _____ _____ stars.
galaxy A ball of gases that gives off heat and light.
LittleDipper This type of galaxy usually has one or more spiral arms.
MilkyWay These are dark, cooler areas on the Sun's surface.
main sequence This type of galaxy has a rounded shape.
whitedwarfs Stars that we see in patterns in the night sky.
core The ______ of white light contains red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
nebula The constellation Ursa Minor is also called this.
red The ______ magnitude of a star is its actual brightness.
star Before ending as a neutron star or black hole, a large star may blow itself apart in this.
spiral Our solar system is in this galaxy.
absolute Huge collection of stars, gas, and dust that travel together through space
BigDipper The hottest part of the Sun.
supernova _____ stars are the coolest stars (hint...it's a color)

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