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blue the earth is maily the colour _ _ _ _
air one of the earths neighbours, also known as the red planet is _ _ _ _
twentyfour how many parts is the world made up of?
one the earths atmosphere is made up of _ _ _ _ _ _ % nitrogen
diameter the moon is 384,400 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from earth
mars 365 is the amount of _ _ _ _ in a year
distance earth is the _ _ _ _ _ largest planet in the solar system
four it takes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hours for the earth to rotate once
kilometres how many moons does the earth have
third something that does not exist on the moon
eighty earth is the _ _ _ _ _ planet in the solar system
days _ _ _ _ _ _ people have landed on the moon
seventy 12,756 is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the earth
fifth 149,600,000 km is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the sun
twelve what percentage of the world is water

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