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Cultural Issues

Nichole Miller

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Push factors Family begins to feel less alien and more as though they belong to the country
Pull factors Performance level is above normal due to trying to fit into the new environment
ethnicity is unique to a specific culture ie. Communication patterns – eye contact vs. indirect eye contact
Transactional approach Both the giver and receiver are in a transaction where each person is affected and changed by the transaction
etic assumption of common characteristics to all people in a defined group
ethnicity Curve of performance varies slightly up (euphoria) and down (overload) while the person prepares for the move. Ups and downs are normal preparatory to emigration.
racism A belief that traits are determined by biology, races are distinctly different,some races are inherently superior to others and therefore have a right to dominate
culture the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviours, and even material objects passed on from one generation to the next.
Period of Undercompensation cultural norms about the physical distance that people like to be apart from one another when communicating in various situations – intimate, personal, social and public. This will be discussed in more detail when we talk about cross-cultural communication
Multicultural work a group of people connected by common descent and having some common physical characteristics
abstracting the specific cultural aspects of an individual or group that derives from another national cultural heritage
mutuality the specific cultural aspects of an individual or group that derives from another national cultural heritage
emic common to all cultures ie. Degree of hierarchy or gender segregation
proxemics The process by which someone consciously or unconsciously observes that certain behaviours of others are different than their own, and evaluates them negatively or positively
race Performance level now slips below normalAdjustment may become difficult due to factors such as not finding a job; financial depletion; race and accent being perceived as different (racism/discrimination)
Normalization work based on a philosophy or political policy that permits or encourages ethnic variation
stereotype An awareness of policies and languages that include full participation by all.
Preparatory stage An approach that refers to the culturally-sensitive interpersonal communication process.
Period of Overcompensation factors which lead people to leave a country
inclusivity factors which attract immigrant people to receiving countries

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