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chapter 18

Brittany Malone

chapter 18 and 19 in zoology

chrondrichthyes lobe finned fish are also know as this
cutaneous Development of............ and paired fins allowed better movement and increased ability to capture prey
caudata .................... are tropical worm like burrows, found in the Gymnophiona order
osteichthyes The subphylum in which a vertabrae surrouns nerve cord and serves as primary axial support is?
caecilians ........................ are bony fish with jaws, pared fins, and bone and cartlidge in there skeletons.
coelacanths Most fish have............. line system
ammonia Large oily......... makes sharks buoyant
vertabrata Sharks, skates, rays, and ratfishse belong to this class
anurans Evolutions of some fishes let to the .......................... vertebrates
cephalaspidomorphi lampreys are members of this class
electroreceptors amphibians excrete urea and ........................?
tetrapods order in which salamanders belong to
myxini order in which caecilians are members of
invertebrates gas exchange across the skin is caled...........respiration
terrestrial most adult amphibians are carnivores and feed on many different.............?
gymnophiona ..................lack tails and possess adaptations for jumping and swimming.
livers ......... on the head of sharks helps find prey and navigate
lateral Hagfishes are member os this class
magnetic salmon follow ............. cues in the ocean.
male Terrestrial vertebrates are called..............?
jaws ........ salmon change colors.

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