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All about Water

Barbara Burke

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solution changing from a liquid to a gas
vibrate a tiny piece of matter
distillation fourth state of matter
matter gaseous form of water
particle changing directly from a solid to a gas
plasma squeeze into a smaller space
boiling the process where a gas moves
meniscus matter that has a fixed volume and a fixed shape
steam solid form of water
melting how much matter is packed into a set volume
properties a way of separating a solid from a liquid
expand changing from a liquid to a solid
sublimation the process where a liquid turns into a vapour
dissolving a substane containing dissolved material
freezing the process where a solid spreads evenly through a liquid
gas matter that has no fixed volume and no fixed shape
liquid changing frfom a solid to a liquid
evaporation the qualities of a substance that make it different from other substances
Solid movement of partilces in a solid
compress the curved upper surface of a liquid in a tube
ice anything that takes up space and that can be weighed
filtering changing from a gas to a liquid
density matter that has a fixed volume but no fixed shape
diffusion a way of purifying a liquid
condensation increase in size

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