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Science 9 Unit B Chapter 2

Ms. Roussel

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Protons After Democritus's time, experiments where primarily carried out by.
AlkaliMetals Each element is composed of this particle.
Tellurium Latin name for Cu.
NobleGases Discovered a useful way to organize elements.
Non-metals Te
Electron Positively charged particles.
Metals The first chemists lived in this time.
Uranium 6 2 ion charge.
Thomson Diagonal row between metals and non-metals.
Neutrons Shiny, malleable, and ductile.
Halogens Most stable elements.
Alchemists Dull and brittle.
Lavoisier Elements are listed in order of this.
Cuprum His was the "rasin bun model".
Period Numbered 1 to 7 on the Periodic Table.
Uub Core of the atom.
AtomicMass Most reactive metals.
Nucleus First discovered subatomic particle.
Mendeleev U
Atom Each vertical column on the Periodic Table.
Family A 1770s French scientist
Tungsten Neutral particles.
Metalloids 165 neutrons
MassNumber Group 17
StoneAge The sum of the number of protons and neutrons in an atom.

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