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CST Science Vocabulary Review

Ms. Tolladay-Graves

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chemical equation tendency of an object to resist changes in motion
gas negatively charged subatomic particle, found in energy levels
electron complex compound made of simple sugars
density substances with a pH of greater than 7
group a push or a pull
velocity how tightly packed together particles are Mass divided by volume
chemical formula a column in the periodic table
metalloid the force of gravity acting on an object's mass
exothermic positively charged subatomic particle, found in the nucleus
balanced forces neutral subatomic particle found in the nulceas
speed speed in a particular direction
physical change distance divided by time
volume definite volume and definite shape
solid number of protons plus neutrons in an element
metal elements with the properties of both metals and nonmetals
mass number a repeating pattern of particles found in some solids
force force of attraction between matter
period two or more atoms chemically combined
nonmetal a chance in matter that does not produce anything new
neutron change in velocity
mass chemical reaction that absorbs heat
inertia takes on shape and size of container
gravity when opposing forces acting on an object are the same
atom total of all forces acting on an object
weight a row in the periodic table
liquid smallest part of an element with the properties of that element
endothermic elements that conduct and ductile and malleable
proton shows the reactants and products of a chemical reaction
crystal the amount of matter in an object
polymer definite volume but takes on shape of container
acid an upward force in fluids
chemical change a change in matter than produces new substances
atomic number short hand way of writing what is in a compound
buoyancy subtances with a pH of less than 7
acceleration a chemical equation with the same "stuff" on both sides
carbohydrate chemical reaction that releases heat
base the amount of space an object occupies
balanced equation number of protons in the nucleus of all atoms of an element
net force elements that don't conduct and are not ductire and malleable
compound complex molecule made of repeating smaller subunits

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