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Physical Science Vocabulary

Theresa Rosa

Physical science for 5th grade

magnetism change in an object's position
sound a force that opposes, or acts against, motion when two surfaces rub against each other
solution a type of mixture in which the ingredients are thoroughly mixed together
wave a state of matter in which the molecules are very far apart
motion a form of energy in which vibrations can be heard
energy a state of matter in which the molecules are tightly packed together
magnet the state of matter that has a definite volume and takes the shape of the container it is placed in
lens the force between poles of magnets
gas a change that occurs in a substance that cannot be reversed
circuit the back-and -forth movement of an object that produces sound
Insulator a push or a pull on an object
refraction material that allows energy to travel through it easily
mass a resource that cannot be used up (wind, sun, water)
Inexhaustible resource the way in which light and sound energy travel
solid a closed path through which electicity travels
chemical change the tendency of a moving object to keep moving or a still object to remain at rest
vibration a collection of materials in which the materials do not join together
inertia a tool used to determine if an object has magnetism
weight anything that has mass and takes up space
friction an object used to refract light
force the measure of the pull of gravity on an object
reflection the units that make up matter in its solid, liquid, or gas forms
matter the amount of matter in an object
mixture the ability to do work; the ability to cause change and make things happen
molecule the bending of light as it passes through objects
conductor the bouncing of light from a surface, mirror
liquid material that prevents energy from traveling through it

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