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Physical Science

Ms. Herbelin

Physical Science Crossword

fluid A measuer of the force of gravity on an object,
absolutezero His principle has to do with pressure
question A place or an object used for comparison to determine if an object is in motion.
kinetic The result when you divide distance by time
force The expansion of matter as it is heated
archimedes The force that pulls objects toward Earth.
acceleration This state of matter has a definite volume but not a definite shape
solid The amount of mass in an object
conclusion The particles in an substance in this state of matter are the most disorganized
boiling when vaporization happens on and below the surface of a liquid
freezingpoint A push or a pull
kelvin The final step in the scientific method.
gravity The heat transfer in which there is contact of the particles, but not movement
weight A material that does not allow heat or electricity to flow freely through it
referencepoint The type of energy that has to do with motion.
radiation The change of state from a gas to a liquid
convection His principle has to do with flight
insulator They type of energy that is stored.
temperature The average kinetic energy of all of the particles of matter in a subtance
conduction The result when you multiply mass times velocity
potential On the Fahrenheit scale this is 32 degrees
speed A substance that can flow and easily change shape
density The temperature scale on which there is no negative temperature
thermalexpansion This state of matter has a definite volume and a definite shape
terminalvelocity Heat transfer caused by the rising of a heated fluid and the sinking of a cooler fluid
gas A change in velocity
condensation having to do with the first step in the scientific method
liquid The temperature at which no more energy can be removed.
bernoulli The type of heat transfer that takes place through an open space and having to do with electromagnetic waves.
pascal The tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion
momentum The maximum velocity an object can achieve
inertia His principle has to do with buoyancy and displacement

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