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Nature of Science

Marina Brochin

No description

Hypothesis A tentative explanation for an observation or phenomenon
Technology A factor that can be changed separately or independently
IndependentVariable The process of doing an experiment
Record The actions that make up an inquiry; these usually include asking questions, determining what is known, investigating, interpreting results, and sharing information
FieldWork A place for scientific work
CreativeThinking A set of widely accepted explanations of oberservations and phenomena
Laboratory A set of experimental trials in which the effects of changes to an independent variable are tested
Predict To look at
Model The act of doubting and questioning
Skepticism A habit of mind that involves considering new ideas for solving problems
Theory To agree to participate in an experiment
Procedure A representation of an object or process
ControlGroup A set of experimental trials in which all variables are kept constant; used for comparison in an experiment
Observe A guess of what might happen in the future
CriticalThinking A method of analysis that depends on logic and reasoning
Ethics Data results
DependentVariable The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession
InformedConsent Inquiries that are done outside a laboratory
ExperimentalGroup The use of scientific knowledge to solve problems or engineer new products, tools, or processes
ScientificProcess A factor that can be changed separately, or independently

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