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Chapter 2 - Mollusks, Arthropods and Echinoderms

Ms. Vincent

Vocabulary review

endoskeleton Organism that breaks down wastes and dead organisms.
abdomen A plant is one.
antenna Octopus, squid or nautilus.
biologicalcontrol Where an insect's wings and legs are attached.
pollinator Resembles the adult, but has no wings.
arthropod Clam, oyster, or scallop.
ecology Animal that eats both plants and animals.
consumer Process of shedding an outgrown exoskeleton
mollusk Animal that eats only other animals.
radula Process in which an animal's body undergoes dramatic changes in form during its life span.
carnivore Animal that eats only plants.
crustacean Type of metamorphosis in which an egg hatches into a nymph before becoming an adult.
cephalopod Study of how organisms interact with their environment.
echinoderm Organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms.
exoskeleton Arthropod with two body sections, four pairs of legs, and no antenna.
pesticide Sea star, sea cucumber, or sea urchin.
watervascularsystem Metamorphosis in which the animal goes through four dramatically different phases.
foodchain Appendage on the head of an animal that contains sense organs.
gradual It's name means "jointed legs".
omnivore An internal skeleton.
arachnid Hind section of an arthropod's body that contains some organs.
thorax Series of events in which one organism eats another in order to obtain energy.
bivalve Stage in which an insect changes from a larva into an adult.
nymph Organ that removes oxygen from water.
gastropod Arthropod with three body sections, three pairs of legs, one pair of antennae and usually one or two pairs of wings.
insect System of fluid-filled tubes in an echinoderm's body.
opencirculatorysystem Waxy, waterproof outer shell that protects an invertebrate.
tubefeet Arthropod that has two or threee body sections, five or more pairs of legs, and two pair of antennae.
complete Mollusk with a single shell or no shell at all.
herbivore Help an echinoderm in movement and obtaining food.
pupa When the heart pumps blood into open spaces in the body and is not confined to blood vessels.
metamorphosis Invertebrate with a soft, unsegmented body - most have a hard shell.
gill A natural predator released to combat an insect pest.
decomposer Chemical designed to kill a pest animal.
producer Flexible ribbon of tiny teeth in mollusks.
molting Birds, bees, wind, rain and sometimes other animals.

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