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Mrs. Facey


Reflection Light rays travel at a ____ of approximately 300,000 km/s when traveling in a vacuum.
Spectrum A ____ mirror has a flat surface.
Fluorescent When these act like prisms in the sky, rainbows may form.
Violet The band of colors that can be seen when white light is broken up by a prism.
Light A ____ mirror causes an object to appear larger than it actually is.
Transparent In an incandescent light bulb, most of the electricity used is converted into this form of energy.
Vacuum The bending of light rays as it passes from one material into another.
Wavelength A ____ object reflects some light rays and also absorbs some light rays. You may be able to see something through this object, but it will not be very clear.
Convex The color of something is determined by the length of its ____ .
Translucent A ____ mirror causes an object to appear smaller than it actually is.
Heat An ____ object reflects or absorbs all light rays. You can not see through this type of object.
Prism The change in direction that occurs when a light ray bounces off of a surface.
Mirror A smooth, shiny surface that is able to reflect light.
Concave An arc of colors that sometimes appears in the sky. The colors that can be seen with a spectrum are the same colors that make up this.
Refraction A uniquely shaped object that can separate white light into individual colors. This is often referred to as the color spectrum.
Opaque A ____ object does not reflect or absorb much light. You can see clearly through this type of object.
White The color of all of the sun's colors mixed together.
Rainbow In an incandescent light bulb, only very little of the electricity used is converted into this form of energy.
Plane The color that has the shortest wavelength.
Red Empty space that contains no matter. Light can travel through this.
Raindrops A ____ light bulb contains a gas that gives off light when it is heated by electricity.
Speed The color that has the longest wavelength.

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