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Inventors and Inventions

Jonathan Taylor

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zipper He invented the lightbulb.
vulcanization Ivan Getting invented the ______.
floppydisk He invented the automoblie.
3Dpictures Charles Goodyear invented this process.
wrightbrothers William Goddard invented this device for holding information.
theodoremaiman Gideon Sundback made the ______.
johnpemberton Robert Fulton made the ______.
steamboat He invented Coca-Cola.
stainedglass Robert Ledley invented the ______.
garfieldweston He made the laser.
loom Ivan Sutherland invented this computer program.
frankepperson He invented Mortimer Mouse.
walterhunt He invented the portable calculator.
nesmithgraham He invented the Internet.
ruthhandler Philo T. Farnsworth invented the _______.
vintcerf In colonial times people made fabric on this.
catscan John Lynott invented the ______.
namco Richard Trevithick vented the steam powered ______.
locomotive This person invented liquid paper.
charlesbrush Richard Drew invented something sticky and useful, it is ______.
clivesinclair He made the epsicle (popsicle).
tape Ferdinand Zepplin invented this.
henryford He invented sliced bread.
thomasedison These people invented airplanes.
sketchpad He invented the safety pin.
airship He made the arc light.
harddrive This woman made Barbie.
gps Charles Wheatstone invented ______.
television This comapny made Pac-Man.
Waltdisney Louis Tiffany was famous for this typr of artwork.

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