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1.FOSSIL/A imprint of once a livig thing 2.FOSSIL RECORD/A sequence of life by fossils found in the Earth's crust 3. PALEONTOLOGIST/A type of scientists that uses fossils to reconstruct what happend in the past before humans existed4.RELATIVE DATING/This is used to see if a object is older or younger than object(also can be an event 5.ABSOLUTE DATING/Estimating the age of a sample by measuring the unstable atoms in the sample(can be a event)6.GEOLOGICAL TIMESCALE/The time in which Earth's history in a certain time in time 7.EXTINCT/A word that describes an animal or anything that was once had many but has died out completely 8.PANGAEA/About 200 million years ago this single landmass that was one landmass of all the present-day continents 9.PRECAMBRIAN TIME/A period of time in the geologic timescale beginning about 4.6 billion years ago and ending about 540 million years ago 10.PALEOZOIC ERA/A perod of time in the geologic timescale beginning about 570 mllion years ago and ending 248 billion years ago 11.CENOZOIC ERA/A period of time in the geologic timescale beginning about 65 million years ago continuing until the present day 12.MESOZOIC ERA/A period of time in the geologic timescale beginning about 248 million years ago lasting about 183 million years

FOSSIL A period of time in the geologic timescale beginning about 65 million years ago continuing until the present day
PANGAEA Estimating the age of a sample by measuring the unstable atoms in the sample(can be a event)
PRECAMBRIAN TIME A period of time in the geologic timescale beginning about 4.6 billion years ago and ending about 540 million years ago
RELATIVE DATING The time in which Earth's history in a certain time in time
EXTINCT A imprint of once a livig thing
PALEOZOIC ERA A word that describes an animal or anything that was once had many but has died out
GEOLOGICAL TIMESCALE About 200 million years ago this single landmass that was one landmass of all the present-day continents
FOSSIL RECORD A period of time in the geologic timescale beginning about 570 mllion years ago and ending 248 billion years ago
MESOZOIC ERA A sequence of life by fossils found in the Earth's crust
PALEONTOLOGIST A period of time in the geologic timescale beginning about 248 million years ago lasting about 183 million years
CENOZOIC ERA This is used to see if an object is older or younger than object(also can be an event
ABSOLUTE DATING A type of scientists that uses fossils to reconstruct what happend in the past before humans existed

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