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By Mr. Kevin Power

This puzzle has clues to the basic elements and principles of electronics.

voltage what is the polarity in a schematic symbol of a transistor when the arrow point in ?
collector stores electrons
npn current times resistance equals voltage
negative the negative part of an atom
nucleus what is the name of centre lead of a transistor?
resistance what everthing is made of
proton the pressure at which the current will flow
pnp the amount electrons that flow past a given point in time
emitter what part of the symatic symbol of a transistor has the arrow part?
diode the oppostion to the flow of current
OhmsLaw what resistors uses as a unit of measurement
neutron what is the value of the don't let go current in milliamps?
resistor where protons and neurtons are
ten in the diode schematic symbol what does the arrow point to?
electron limits current flow, drops voltage
atom acts as a regulation valve or switch
ohms what capacitors us as a unit of measurement
farad positive part of an atom
current acts as a one way valve
led what is the polarity of a schematic symbol of a transistor when the arrow point out?
base the part that has the same nuclear weight but no charge
transistor what type of diode produces visible light.
capacitor what is the name of the lead that is opposite to the emitter lead in a transistor ?

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