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Electromagnetism: Chapter 21

Mr. Grattini

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parallelcircuit Groups of atoms with aligned magnetic poles
electricfield The region around a magnet where magnetic forces act
magneticfield AC
current This is expressed in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW)
insulator The opposition to the flow of electrons through a conductor
electromagneticinduction Increases or decreases the voltage of an alternating current
voltmeter An electrical circuit where the current flows through more than one path
superconductor V = I x R
directcurrent A power source that acts as an electron pump; "dry" because it uses a thick, pasty electrolyte
electricmotor A power source that acts as an electron pump; "wet" because it uses a liquid electrolyte
circuit Changes elecrical energy to magnetical energy
magneticpoles A device used to detect the presence of electric charges
electromagnet The two ends of a magnet
magnetism Creating an electrical current by passing a wire through a magnetic field
staticelectricity An area surrounding an electron that exerts a force on anything nearby with an electric charge
electroscope It equals 1000 watts
magneticdomain Measures potential differences
alternatingcurrent A material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily
ammeter A closed circuit through which electrons flow
resistance The build-up of electrical charges on an object
kilowatthour DC
electricalpower A galvanometer that measures electrical current passing through in amperes
drycell A material that allows electrons to move easily through it
generator An electrical circuit where the current has only one path.
conductor Magnet made by wrapping a wire coil around an iron core
seriescircuit Has no electrical resistance; current does not loose energy
transformer The flow of electrons through a wire or any conductor
wetcell Induces electrical curent by rotating loops of wire through a magnetic field
potentialdifference Force of attraction between unlike poles or repulsion between like poles
ohmslaw This is measured in volts (V)

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