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Bacteria to Fungi

S. Accashian

Chapter 11 From Bacteria to FungiPrentice Hall Science Explorer NC Grade 8

Protist The study of how and why diseases or other health-related conditions are distributed in a population the way they are, in other words, why some people get sick and others do not. (notes)
Stakeholder An organism that provides a source of energy or suitable environment for a virus or for another organism to live. (p. 441)
Epidemiologist Something that helps to solve a problem or mystery. (notes)
Symbiosis A eukaryotic organsim that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus. (p. 469)
Asexual reproduction The pattern of how a sickness is sperad out among a group of people. (notes)
Psuedopod An organism whose cells lack a nucleus and some other cell structures. (p. 449)
Autotroph Someone who represents a group of people and their interests. (notes)
Epidemiology A long, whiplike structure used for movement that extends out through the cell membrane and cell wall. (p. 449)
Ribosome Single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus; prokaryote. (p. 449)
Host A heating process where food is heated to a temperature that is high enough to kill most harmful bacteria without changing the taste of the food. (p. 455)
Respiration An investigator who studies the occurance of disease in populations of people for the purpose of preventing or controlling health problems. (notes)
Decomposer An educated guess. An unproven idea, based on observation or reasoning, that can be proven or disproven through investigation. (notes)
Cytoplasm A small, nonliving particle that invades and then reproduces inside a living cell.(p. 441)
Virus A chemical that can kill bacteria without harming a person's cells. (p. 462)
Cila The process in which a unicellular organism transfers some of its genetic material to another unicellualr organism. (p. 452)
Vaccine An organism that makes its own food. (p. 409)
Disease distribution An organism that lives on or in a host and causes harm to the host. (p. 441)
Population The reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces off spring that are identicle to the parent. (p. 452)
Antibiotic The process by which cells break down simple food molecules to release the energy they contain. (p. 451)
Hypothesis The hairlike projections on the outside of cells that move in a wavelike manner. (p. 471)
Hetrotroph All the people in a particular group. (notes)
Contractile vacuole A disease caused by the presence of a living thing in the body. (p. 460)
Pasteurization The cell structure that collects extra water from the cytoplasm and then expels it from the cell. (p. 470)
Flagellum The ability of bacteria to withstand the effects of an antibiotic. (p. 463)
Bacteria A poisn reproduced by bacterial pathogens that damages cells. (p. 461)
Binary fusion An organism that breaks down large chemicals from dead organisms into small chemicals and returns important materials to the soil and water. (p. 456)
Prokaryote An organism that cannot make its own food. (p. 409)
Antibiotic resistance A form of asexual reproduction in which one cell divides to form two identicle cells. (p. 452)
Toxin A substance introduced into the body to stimulate the production of chemicals that destroy specific viruses, bacteria, or other disease-causing organisms. (p. 465)
Endospore A virus that infects bacteria. (p. 441)
Bacteriophage An animal-like protist. (p. 469)
Clue A small grain-like structure in the cytoplasm of a cell. (p. 449)
Infectious disease A small, rounded, thick-walled, resting cell that forms inside a bacterial cell. (p. 453)
Descriptive epidemiology A close relationship between two organisms in which at least one of the organisms benefits. ( p. 472)
Parasite Study of the distribution of a disease or other health-related condition. Basis for forming hypotheses. (notes)
Protozoan The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus. (p. 449)
Conjugation A "fals foot" or temporary bulge of cytoplasm used for feeding and movement in some protozoans. (p. 470)

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