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Savannah Sorensen

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Russia Capital of Tajikistan
Moscow A large sea that seperates Russia and Asia
CommunistState Huge forests of evergreen trees that grow in subarctic regions
Oasis Vast rolling treeless plain in high latitude climates in which only the top few inches of ground thaw in summer
Perestokia Capital of Ukraine
Tundra Largest country in the world by size
Muscovy Russians first president
Lenin A fertile or green area in a desert
WhiteSea Country whos government has strong control over the economy and society as a whole
Indusrialize Salt lake between Europe and Asia that is the worlds largest in land body of water
Babushka A type of animal that is going extinct in Russia
Taiga A sea North West of Russia an inlet of the Barents Sea
ColdWar He became the leader of the Soviet Union and he helped move the Soviet Union toward democracy
NestingDoll A large open square central Moscow
Dushanbe Period between the late 1940's and late 1980's when the United States and the Soviet Union competed for eorld influence without actually fighting each other
RedSquare These mountains sperate Asia and Russia
BorisYeltson To change an economy to rely more on manufacturing and less on farming
JosephStalin The longest river in Europe
FreeEnterpriseSystem Name for emperor in Russias past
MikhailGorbachev Farm laborer who could be bought and sold along with land
UralMountains A type of scarf that grandmas wear, the grandmas are also called this
KolaPeninsula Ivan III or also known as "Ivan the Great" made this country independent
Steppe Permanently frozen lower layers of soil in the tundra and subarctic regions
CaspainSea This mountain is 18,510 feet and can be considered the highest mountain in Europe, but is also the highest point in Russia
Glasnost Economic system in which people start and run businesses with limited government inervention
SiberianTiger Russian policy of "Openness"
BlackSea Partly dry grassland often found on the edges of a desert
LakeBaikal The worlds largest freshwater lake
MountElbrus A peninsula in the North West Russian Federation in Europe, between the White and Barents Sea
AralSea He was Soviet Unions leader. Millions people were brually murdered or forced into slave labor under this mans rule
Czar Capital of Russia
Serf This sea is a dry sea from over use and polution
VolgaRiver Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR
Permafrost Soviet policy that loosened government controls and permited it's economy to move towards free enterprise
Kiev These dolls are painted traditionaly in bright colors to look like women wearing kerchiefs and dresses

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