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Russian Revolution

Yen Chang

based on Russians revolution

St. Petersburg how did Stalin force peasants to work on collective farms?
Bolsheviks 2 words-temporary government
bolsheviks 2 words-large government controlled farm formaed by combinning smaller farms
Russian Orthodox church a self described
censorship 2 words- a campaign of terro in the soviet union during late 1930's where Stalin sought to eiminate all communist party
kulak 3 words-Which church was the main target?
command economy committed revolutionaries willing to sacrific for radical cahnges
collective farm 2 words-a style if art in which communist value and life under communism glorified
soviet 2 words- In which city the bread riot began?
joseph stalin 2 words-who was the leadrer of the communist takeover?
trans-siberian railway mayjor learder of the bolsheviks
VI lenin what happened to the religous leaders?
pogrom russia's first parament
25percent a class of wealthy peasants
Provisional government 2 words-
duma Who came in power after there was no more czars?
Nicholas II Many soviet writers, composers, and other artists also fell victims to offical_______?
Nikolai Lenin government has total control of public or private life
Rasputin organized violence aganist jews
communist Name of the last Czar of Russia?
killed 1928 to 1937 industrial production increased by how many percent?
socialist realism 2 words- where government makes all the economic descisions
totalitarlanism local councils constiting of workers,peasents, and soliders
violence what was karl marx beliefs?
great purge 3words-the worlds lonest continous railine

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