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Religion Crossword

Using information from the religious flashcards, answer the questions and fill in the corresponding blanks.

Inipi What is the name of the prince who become Shakyamuni Buddha?
Judaism What day commerates St. Walpurgis?
Odin What is the English translation of the name of God in the Hebrew Scriptures?
Krashnut The first five books of the Tanakh are called _____?
Jehovah The _______ summarizes the doctrines of the Catholic Church?
Dukkha What outlines Jewish dietary laws?
Siddhartha What connects the nine worlds of the Asatru universe?
Pope Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma form the ______?
Mendes The Church of Satan was founded by Anton Szandor _______?
Witch What is the Truth that states 'there can be no existence without suffering'?
Walpurgisnacht What is the Sanskrit name for God?
Catechism The Sacred Wheel of the Year includes Eight ________?
Methodist Term that refers to an interest in monastic discipline?
Asatru What is the term for permitted food and actions in Islam?
Moksha Native Americas consider this the heartbeat of the universe?
Jihad What is the term that means 'striving in the cuase of God'?
Luther What is the term for the words of the Koran put into action?
Torah Who is the considered the Father of the Gods?
Stake What is the term used for both male and female practictioners of Wicca?
Halaal Who is the head of the Catholic Church?
Brahman What involves the use of a sweat lodge?
Yggdrasil The inverted pentacle represents the Goat of _______?
Sunna The Dalai Lama is the representative of the ________ tradition?
Russell What is the Old Norse term for th religion of Pre-Christian Northern Europe?
Trimurti How many sacred rites did White Buffalo Calf Woman prophesize?
Seven Judaism traces it beginnings back to ______?
Drum Christianity sprang from _______?
Levey What do Hindus hope to achieve in order to become one with Brahman?
Abraham The founder of the Bible Students movement was Charles Taze _______?
Reconciliation Jehovah Witnesses belive Jesus died on a single _____?
Sabbats What is the symbol of Wicca?
Pentacle The founder of Lutheranism is Martin _______?
Vajrayana Through what sacrament do Catholics believe they are experiencing the celebration of God's forgiveness and mercy?

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