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Peter Kerrian

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Holi The fourth month of the lunar calendar
Diwali Good or bad force created by ones actions
Good 30% of the Population are Hindu
Yoga Hinduism teaches that the world is an ________
Third The ______ is sacred and protected by law
Indonesia This helps you to advance to a better life
Verdas Helps free your mind and brings your body and soul together
Indus Valley 90% of the island's Population are Hindu
Vedic Aryans The earliest literature of Hinduism
Dharma Hindu Spring festival that honors the buring of Holika
India Five day festival during the fall that commemorates good defeating evil
Karma The Main god of Hinduism
Illusion Hinduism was started mainly in the _________, but spread across the world.
Cow 87% of the Population are Hindus
Ashadha Hinduism is the _______ largest religion in the world
Nepal If you fulfill Dharma you will have ______ Karma
Brahman the rebirth of souls
Reincarnation The ____________, although they left a rich body of hymns, left little material culture behind.
Bali Country where Hinduism was created
Phalgina The 12th lunar month of Hinduism

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