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Vocabulary #2

Barbara Doorhy

Confirmation class vocabulary

Holy days of obligation The first 4 books of the New Testament, telling of life
Heaven God the Father, God the Son,
Commuion of Saints The denial of the truth of the Catholic Faith.
Excommuincation The seat of authority for the whole church in Rome, under the leadership of the pope.
Examination of Conscience Consecrated oil used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation
Confirmation The cross with the crucified body of Christ.
Hell The place
Holy See The official doctrine teaching of Christ's church.
Holy Communion Special days set aside by the Church for worshipping God, honoring the Blessed Mother or the saints, when we are obligated to attend Mass.
Faith Water blessed by a priest to drive awaythe power of the devils
conscience The cutting off of the sacraments
Heretics The virture by which we believe all God as revealed.
consecration The judgement of our reason, determining if an act is good or bad.
Devil Afallen angel, especially Satan who is the head of fallen angels.
Holy Orders Any gift of God. Also, "God's Love".
Holy Chrism The day in which Christ rose from the dead.
Holy Water In union with or sharing with.
Extreme Unction The sacrament in which we tell our sins in hopes of gaining absolution from the priest through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
confession The part of Mass, where the priest uses the words of our Lord to change the bread
Epiphany The calling to mind of all sins committed since your last confession.
communion Another name for the sacrament of "last rights" or "anointing of the sick".
Grace The ability to make our own decisions, to choose right or wrong.
Gabriel The angel who announced to Mary that she was chosen to be the mother of God.
Easter The receiving of the body
Genesis The first book of the Bible, including the story of Creation.
Crucifix The place
Holy Trinity The sacrament through which men become priests.
Gospels The revelation of Christ as God made to the Magi, made at His Baptism by John in the Jordan,
Dogma The sharing of the grace among all members of Christ's church, whether on earth, purgatory or in heaven.
Free Will The sacrament administered by the Bishop, which seals the gifts of the Holy Spirit, received during Baptism.

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