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Genie Name of female psychologist who conducted research with Ugandan mothers and children
privation The psychologist who showed that contact comfort was more important than feeding in rhesus monkeys
attachment The type of society where members are more concerned with independence than interdependence
resistant Type of insecure attachment where the infant both seeks and rejects contact with caregiver
multiple They conducted a longitudinal study of children who were adopted or returned home from an institution (Hodges and _______)
Lorenz The method developed for assessing type of attachment: _________ situation
Ainsworth Type of culture where members are more with group needs and interdependence
Tizard Type of attachment resulting from senstive responsiveness from primary attachment figure
deprivation This term refers to disruption of attachment through separation
individualist Schaffer and Emerson's study of 60 Glasgow babies found that _______ attachments seemed to be the norm rather than the exception
secure Term used by psychologists to describe the failure to form attachments
disinhibited Type of attachment associated with failure to form attachments
primary The name of the girl studied by Curtiss
monotropy A type of conditioning where learning occurs through association
operant Husband and wife team who investigated the effects of temporary separations on infants
classical Close emotional bond shared by two people
strange Psychologist who demonstrated imprinting in geese
innate Term used by Bowlby to describe the importance of one emotional relationship to an infant
Harlow Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg carried out this type of analysis on a large number of strange situation studies in different countries
Robertsons Term used to describe an infant's main caregiver: ________ attachment figure
collectivist According to Bowlby attachment behaviour can be described as this
meta In this type of conditioning learning occurs when we are rewarded for doing something

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