Constituents | | The political party with fewer members in Congress |
Apportionned | | The Vice President of the United States serves as the prsiding officer of the Senate |
Bicameral | | Any special interest group that tries to influence congressmen |
Appropriations | | To end a session or meeting. |
President Pro Tempore | | A series of meetings. |
Adjourn | | Bills dealing with money |
Bill | | The length of time an elected offical serves. |
Elastic Clause | | People who live in the Congressmen's home state or district |
Majority Party | | To distribute (Congress divides seats based on population, uses census data) |
President of the Senate | | To mail official letters free |
Speaker of the Hosue | | The political party that has more members in congress. |
Session | | A small group of lawmakers. (Where most of the work is done). |
Immunity | | To have legal protection while performing official duties (unless it is a serious crime) |
Unicameral | | Two House Legislature |
Committee | | Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution allows congress stretch the delegated powers when necessary for the national interest. |
Term | | A plan or proposal for a law. |
Franking Privileage | | The presiding officer of the House of Representatives |
Lobby | | To formally accuse a government official of serious crime. ( only done by the House of Representatives. |
Minority Party | | One House Legislature |
Impeachment | | The officer who presides over the Senate when the vice President is not there |