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You're in Charge

Sharon Robertson

Electricity key words

AMPS The unit of potential difference
VOLTMETER A device that uses a chemical reaction to generate electricity
RESISTOR The rate at which work is done. The product of current x voltage
WATTS The unit of electrical power
FILAMENTBULB An instrument for measuring electric current
RECHAREABLE An electronic component designed to produce a known resistance
TRANSFORMER The unit used to measure electric current
CIRCUIT This device converts kinetic enrgy into electrical energy
SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Reverses the direction of current in a motor
VOLTAGE The property of materials to resist the flow of electrons
FUSE Electricity produced from water heated by underground rocks
LIGHTDEPENDENTRESISTOR An electronic component whose resistance varies with light intensity
ELECTROMAGNETICINDUCTION An instrument for measuring the potential difference across a component
RESISTANCE This resource can be used to generate electricity using large turbines with blades located in high places
VOLTS A system of cables which transports electricity around the UK
PARALLEL Sources of energy which can be replaced
MAGNET Steps up or steps down voltage
WIND A property of materials that have no resistance to electric current at low temperatures
OSCILLOSCOPE Electricity produced by the downhill flow of water
DYNAMO Used on a bicycle to generate electricity
GEOTHERMAL A battery which is able to have its energy replaced
GENERATOR An electronic component whose resistance varies with temperature
SANKEYDIAGRAM A lighting device whose resistance increases as the voltage increases
SOLARCELL Electricity produced by the fission of uranium atoms
MOTOR The generation of an electric current by passing a wire through a magnetic field
GREENANDYELLOW An instrument for analysing different electric current
TIDAL This device converts electrical energy into kinetic energy
POWER The colours of a plugs earth wire
HYDROELECTRIC A type of circuit in which all the components are connected in one loop
CURRENT The ratio of useful energy obtained from a device, compared with energy put in to it
EFFICIENCY A complete loop, containing electrical components
DRYCELL A scientific way of drawing the efficiency of energy transfers
THERMISTOR A type of train moved by electro magnets
NATIONALGRID The value of the potential difference between two points in a circuit
SPLITRINGCOMMUTATOR A magnetised piece of metal surrounded by an electric field
MAGLEV A circuit where components are connected in a number of interconnected loops
AMMETER The unit used to measure resistance
BATTERY A device which is able to transform light energy into electrical energy
OHMS The ability to do work
ENERGY The most common type of battery
NUCLEAR Electricity produced by the movement of water between tides
RENEWABLE An electrical safety device containing a thin piece of wire
SERIES A material which does not conduct electricity
INSULATOR The rate of flow of electrons

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