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Wave Crossword

Breanna Roberts

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interfernece pattern Wave in which parts of the wave remain staionary and the wave appears not to be traveling
amplitude One of the places in a wave where the wave is lowest or the disturbance is greatest in the opposite direction from a crest
constructive interference An increase in the measured frequency of light from an approaching source
standing wave The distance from the midpoint to the maximum crest of a wave
wave The positions on a standing wave where the largest amplitudes occur
period Addition of two or more waves when wave crests overlap to produce a resulting wave on increased amplitude
bow wave A pattern formed by the overlapping of two or more waves that arrive in a region at the same time
out of phase A "wiggle in space and time"
wavelength A curve whose shaped represents the crests and troughs of a wave as traced out by a swinging pendulum that drops a trail of sand over a moving conveyor belt
longitudinal wave Combination of waves where crest parts of one wave overlap trough parts of another, resluting in a wave of decreased amplitude
crest The SI unit of frequency
doppler effect One of the places in a wave where the wave is highest or the disturbance is greatest
sonic boom A cone shaped wave produced by an object moving at supersonic speed through a fluid
vibration A wave in which the vibration is in the same direction as that in which the wave is traveling rather than at right angles
red shift The v shaped wave produced by an object moving on a liquid surface faster than the wave speed
in phase Term applied to two waves for which the crest of one wave arrives at a point at the same time that a trough of the second wave arrives.
antinode The distance from the top of the crest of a wave to the top of the following crest
hertz Periodic motion in which acceleration is proportional tot he distance from an equilibrium position and is directed toward that equilibrium position
simple harmonic motion Term applied to two or more waves whose crests arrive at a place a the same time
frequency A decrease in the measured frequency of light from a receding source
node The number of events cycles or vibrations or any repeated event measured in hertz
blue shift The change in frequency of a wave due to the motion of the source or of the reciever
trough The time required for a pendulum to make one to and fro swing
transverse wave Any part of a standing wave that remains staionary
shock wave An oscillation a repeating, back and forth motion
sine curve A wave with vibration at right angles to the direction the wave is traveling
destructive interfenrence The sharp crack heard when the shock wave that sweeps behind a supersonic aircraft reached the listener

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