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Emilie Cross

Terms to know for 1st semester physics

Centripetal A type of collision where momentum is conserved, but KE is not.
Elastic The slope of a position-time graph, can be or -
Velocity The rate of change of velocity with time
Potential The product of force and distance when they act in the same direction
Energy A push or pull on an object due to the interaction of two objects.
Work A term used with "energy" or "friction" that implies motion
Speed A term often used with "acceleration" that literally means "center-seeking"
Newtons A force that exists between any two masses separated by a distance
Acceleration A change in momentum
Gravity A quantity with magnitude
Inertia How fast an object is traveling
Impulse The tendency for an object to resist changes in velocity; directly related to its mass.
Power The type of force that is directed perpendicular to a surface
Force The change in position of an object (from start to finish)
Displacement The rate at which work is done; the rate at which energy is used.
Kinetic A force that opposes motion when two surfaces slide past each other
Normal Inertia in motion
Period The size of a given quantity - how much? how fast? how far? etc.
Inelastic A term used with "energy" that implies stored energy.
Static The units for mass when using an equation
Vector The number of circles or cycles per unit of time
Friction A term used with "friction" that implies a lack of motion
Momentum The amount of time for a complete circle or cycle
Frequency A type of collision where both KE and momentum are conserved
Kilograms The units used to measure force
Magnitude The ability to do work

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