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Physics Standards


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scalar F=ma
NewtonsFirstLaw Three hundred million meters per second
NewtonsSecondLaw Speed times time
volt Measure of disorder
higher The name for the flow of electric charge
UniversalLawofGravitation Distance from the origin to the peak (or trough)
polarization v = IR
trough Opposite charges ____________
speedoflight Measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules
reflection The vibration of light in only one plane
attract What a wave travels in
medium Passing a magnetic field by a wire creates a ____________ in the wire
watt The bouncing of waves off of an object
ohm Balanced forces
temperature Wavelength times frequency
dopplereffect Forces come in pairs
diffraction Direction of centripetal force
amplitude Unit of electric current
center Shortening of wavelengths as a result of the motion of an object making the waves
NewtonsThirdLaw This is what waves transfer
momentum Study of heat
period Measurement with magnitude and a direction
more Distance divided by speed
speedofsound Unbalanced forces cause acceleration
current All masses exert gravity on all other masses
thermodynamics Unit of electrical resistance
transformers Energy of motion
unbalancedforce Unit of power
kineticenergy Product of mass and velocity
momentum For every action force, there is an equal reaction force in the opposite direction
NewtonsFirstLaw Distance divided by time
entropy The faster molecules move, the _____________ their temperature
repel Type of circuit where current can only follow one path
gravitationalpotentialenergy Higher frequencies of sound have ____________ pitch
balancedforces Type of circuit that has both series and parallel portions
distance Type of circuit where current splits
parallel Direction of centripetal acceleration
vector No acceleration will occur
NewtonsSecondLaw Measurement with magnitude only
time The bending of a wave as it passes a barrier
peak Unit of frequency
Hertz A messy room has ___________ entropy than a neat room
compound Law that says energy can change forms
inertia To an observer an approaching car's horn has a ___________ pitch than the driver hears
frequency Lowest part of a wave
longer Causes a change in momentum
refraction Like charges ______________
ConservationofEnergy Time needed for a wave to complete a cycle
averagespeed Laziness
current Highest part of a wave
energy These are used to step up or step down voltage
ampere Lower frequencies of light have ____________ wavelengths
series Number of cycles per unit of time
wavespeed Unit of electric potential
center This law of motion tells us why a car can't make a sharp turn at high speeds when it hits an oil sli
NewtonsThirdLaw Energy due to an object's position above Earth's surface
OhmsLaw Inertia in motion
higher 340m/s
NewtonsFirstLaw Objects in motion remain in motion
higher The bending of waves as a result of going from one medium to another

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