Discharge | | Type of square law |
Lumen | | Filaments are made from this metal |
Envelope | | Flow of light radiated fron a single source |
Monochromatic | | Radiation given off by mercury lamps |
Electromagnetic | | Light consisting entirely of one wavelength |
Sodium | | Measurement of power |
Halogen | | Takes into account deterioration of reflecting surface and light output |
MaintenanceFactor | | Light is this type of radiation |
Mercury | | Measure of the brightness of the light reflected from a surface |
Glow | | Name given to the outer glass vessel of lamp |
Efficacy | | Lamp output compared to energy input |
Prism | | These types of lamps do not rely on the heating of a filament to produce light |
Flourescent | | Provides the starting voltage and current control |
Capacitor | | Lamp will not restrike if mains fails until this has reduced through cooling |
Pressure | | Gas contained in some types of filament lamps |
Ultraviolet | | Type of discharge lamp |
Tungsten | | Device which splits light into seven colours |
Luminance | | The ability of the lamp to show colours faithfully |
ColourRendering | | Name of filament in discharge lamps |
Cathode | | Device used in discharge lamp circuits to improve power factor |
Watts | | Type of lamp often used for street lighting |
Choke | | Type of vapour contained in flourescent lamps |
Inverse | | Type of starter used in flourescent lamp circuits |