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Mr. Grattini

Based on Glencoe(1999) Physical Science. Chapter 18-19.

amplitude the highness or lowness of a sound
medium distance between two consecutive crests/troughs
wave a wave bouncing off of an object
gamma ray absorbs all colors of the spectrum
black a wave in which the medium moves at right angles to the direction of travel
radio wave a sound wave is a ________________________
intensity the human perception of sound intensity, measured in decibels
white the weakest EM wave
reflection highest point of a wave
loudness AKA heat/thermal radiation
frequency A rhythmic disturbance that carries energy through matter or space
compressional wave transverse waves produced by the motion of electrically charged particles
crest an object that refracts white light into a rainbow
prism material through which a wave transfers energy
electromagnetic radiation the amount of energy in each sound wave
refraction the number of waves per second
wavelength the bending of a wave caused by a change in speed
transverse wave the height of a wave
pitch reflects all colors of the spectrum
trough the strongest EM wave
infrared radiation lowest point of a wave

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