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Key Waves Terms

Peter Newcombe

NSW HSC Year 11 Module 8.2Key Terms

pitch The process of something passing on; what wave energy undergoes within a medium. (11)
rarefaction The wave type in which propagation is by the particles of the medium oscillating in the same direction as the energy propagation.
propagation The letter/symbol used to represent frequency.
superposition The zone of a medium carrying a compression wave in which the particles of the medium are further apart than at equilibrium, with no wave energy passing through. (11)
tone The reciprocal of period; the number of oscillations per second of the particles of the medium due to the wave passing through. (9)
compression An everyday term for the mixture of frequencies in a given sound (4)
volume The "whoop-whoop" sound produced by the superposition of sound waves of very similar, but slightly different, frequencies. (5)
velocity The time it takes for one whole wavelength to pass through a point on/in the medium. (6)
medium The type of wave which travels at 300 million metres per second. (15)
echo The zone of a medium carrying a compression wave in which the particles of the medium are closer together than at equilibrium, with no wave energy passing through. (11)
crest The point of a medium carrying a transverse wave at which the particles of the medium has a maximum negative amplitude. (6)
amplitude The maximum displacement of particles of the medium from their equilibrium positions. (9)
lambda Another, more common, word, used in music, to indicate frequency. (5)
c The wave type in which propagation is by the particles of the medium oscillating at 90 degrees to the direction of energy propagation. (10)
electromagnetic The letter/symbol used to represent the speed of light.
f The distance that particles of the medium move from equilibrium as the wave energy passes (12)
longitudinal The Greek letter used to represent wavelength.
wavelength The substance through which a wave propagates. (6)
period The distance between any 2 immediately neighbouring particles of the medium that have the same speed AND direction of motion. (10)
mechanical The type of wave that requires a material medium to propagate it. (9)
v A sound term which is related to the amplitude of a sound wave. (6)
beats The adding of 2 or more wave energies of the same kind, travelling in the same medium. (13)
electromagnetic The type of wave which travels only through the vacuum of space or the vacuum between particles of a medium. (15)
displacement The letter/symbol used to represent velocity.
trough The point of a medium carrying a transverse wave at which the particles of the medium has a maximum positive amplitude. (5)
frequency The name given for the reflection of sound of walls, cliff faces, etc. (4)
transverse The speed and direction in which the wave energy is propagating. (8)

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