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FILAMENT Relationship among electrical force, charges, and distance
CONDUCTOR The mutual attractions or repulsions between electrons or protons is attributed
ELECTRONS These have a negative charge
THREADSECTION The flow of charge across the circuit
DIRECTCURRENT Unit of electrical charge
FARADS These have a neutral charge
AMPERES An act that restrains electrical current
INSULATOR The flowing of charges in one direction
CAPACITOR The unit of measure for electric current
VOLTAGE The measurement for electrical resistance
SERIESCIRCUIT Causes breaks in an open loop
ELECTRICALRESISTANCE The measurement for voltage
POTENTIALDIFFERENCE A thick area of a bulb where electricity can pass through
BATTERY A measurement of energy
PROTONS A composition of two or more cells
JOULES Electrical devices are connected in sucha way that the same voltage acts across each one and any single one completes the circuit independently of all others
PARALLELCIRCUIT The electrical resistance is directly proportional to the voltage per current
ALTERNATINGCURRENT This acts as a storage unit of electricity when charged in a circuit
OHMS This liquid reduces the human body's resistance to 100 ohms
OMEGA Electrically charged particles that repeatedly reverse directions
RESISTOR This will restrain the flow of charge in a circuit
OHM'S LAW The flow of electric charge through a circuit
COULOMB The product of curren and voltage
NEUTRONS Thin wire that conducts electricity through a light bulb
VOLTS Used as a form of safety fuses in a circuit
POWER Then end of a light bulb where electricity can pass through
TIP The unit of electrical power
SEAWATER Any path along which electrons can flow
WATTS Electrical devices are connected in such a way that the same electric current exists in all of them
CIRCUIT When the ends of an electrical conductor are a different electric potentials
ELECTRICCHARGE A measure of capacitance
CIRCUITBREAKER These have a postive charge
COULOMBSLAW The Greek letter representing resistance

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