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Conceptual Physics Crossword


A Puzzle with 1st semester vocabulary

kinetic magnitude
acceleration the standard unit for length
scalar kind of collision in which shape does not change
fulcrum at the beginning. In physics it is when time equals zero
netforce Any Push or Pull
averagespeed Magnitude and Direction
newton a distance
momentum distance divided by time
inelastic mass * velocity
motion energy of motion
vector The standard unit of force
efficiency unit of time
velocity F=ma
Kilograms The number and kind of atoms that make up an object
weight The standard unit of mass
inertia energy of position
mechanical An object that can change the direction of a force or multiply forces
seconds pivot point
joules force * distance
secondlaw force that keeps an object moving in a circle
centripetal The Total distance covered divided by the time it took to travel that distance.
centrifugal at right angles
firstlaw one quantity increases the other quantity decreases
freefall An object is moving if its position relative to a fixed point is changing.
mass the change in velocity divided by time. vector quantity
pressure unit of energy
speed A number. Also shown as a length
lever A measure of how well something uses energy.
machine The force due to gravity
initial The sum of the energies of position and motion
conservationofenergy vector quantity for speed
perpendicular Force of rubbing two surfaces together. A force of sliding
force units of power
power The Net force is zero. By Newton’s 2nd Law acceleration is zero
potential simple machine
equilibrium energy is neither created nor destroyed.
elastic The ability for an object to resist changes to it’s state of motion
meters The Vector sum of all of the forces acting on an object
magnitude force divided by area
watts work divided by time
displacement kind of collision in which shape changes
friction An object will continue in motion or stay at rest unless acted upon by a non-zero net force.
work falling under the force of gravity only
inverselyproportional fake force

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