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Visual Perception, Week 1

James Kundart, O.D., M.Ed., F.A.A.O.

A crossword for students of Optometry 662 at Pacific University, spring semester, 2007.

Beta MRI weighting that makes the vitreous appear black
Twenty Light-sensing "third eye," found in the tuatara lizard, and used for dirunal activities
Xray Method besides MRI for diagnosing optic neuritis
PET Vitreous blood vessels in a bird's eye, which may function as a heat radiator
RPE Type of imaging for oncology requiring isotope injection
TapetumLucidum Type of membrane used to protect the eye used my snakes and some birds
T1 Where Hubel
EEG The structure in the compound eye that connects the crystalline cone with retinula cells
Xanthylopsia Cheapest, quickest way to image a fresh, hemorrhagic stroke
Euglenid Number of cones per RPE cell at the fovea
Consciousness According to Schwartz, this is a requirement for visual perception
Lipofuscin Outermost functional layer of the retina (first of six)
Parietal Single-celled organism with red pigmented eyespots next to a flagellum
StilesCrawford The reflective membrane, or "carpet of light," on the back of nocturnal creatures' eyes
Pecten Effect responsible for pointing the photoreceptors at the exit pupil of the eye
Nictitating EEG brainwave of REM sleep and dreaming
Rhabdom Aging pigment found in macular degeneration
Cortex Chromatopsia caused by thiazide diuretics for hypertenstion

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