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Lasers and Photonics

Brice Cannon and Terrence Holloway

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stable Source of loss in optical materials
lens An inhomogenous broadening process
MASER Energy per unit time
filter Norfolk State University mascot
resonator Equations describe the interrelationship between electric field, magnetic field, electric charge, and electric current
Ket The distance between crests of a waveform.
FWHM Imaging technique whereby a beam of electrons is transmitted through a specimen
CCD Measure of the time-averaged energy flux
Jones Polarized light is represented with _____matrices
parasitic Aluminum
spectrum Equal to the speed of the wave divided by the wavelength of the wave
frequency A sensor that collects light and turns it into an electrical signal
wave Special theory of relativity
Rate ______ barium borate
spartan The material surrounding the core of an optical waveguide.
refraction System of equations that describes the changes in populations of various states
interference A device that produces an intense, coherent, directional beam of visible light
OLED A general law describing the reflection, refractoin, and transmission of light from an interface.
gain Causes the spatial separation of a white light into spectral components
Ruby Light that is unable to escape from media experience
Emission first Substance to produce laser action in the visible spectrum
LUX A device that produces an intense, coherent, directional beam of microwave
retina The passage of radiant energy through a medium
quarks Amplification
Optics Wave phenomenon commonly observed in mirrors
speckle Photometric measure of the density of luminous intensity in a given direction
Einstein |W>
HeNe The generation and sending out of radiant energy
snell A radio device for detecting the position of distant masses and the course of moving objects.
etalon Consequence of the high spatial conherency of a Laser
beta Visible EM radiation
Wavelength Separation of light into its component wavelengths
AL Display which uses organic material as a diode type light emitting material
prism Arrangement of mirrors that forms a standing wave cavity resonator for light waves
Nanometer gain______ is the reduce in optical gain as the cavity intensity increases
LED A resonator where the beam is permanently trapped
Dispersion Light as a particle and a ______
LASER Diode such that light emitted at a p-n
FSR The shape of the Laser _____ can be changed
Reflection Width of a distribution at half of its maximum value
Quantum Wedge-shaped piece of glass used to disperse light into a spectrum
isotope An optical element consisting of two plane parallel reflective surfaces
Qswitching One billionth of a meter
intensity A light-sensitive membrane lining the posterior part of the inside of the eye
beam Superposition of two or more waves resulting in a new wave pattern
transmission device that selectively transmits light having certain properties
TEM The bending of light
power Process of blocking the transmission of the cavity to permit a greater upper state population.
Maxwell A piece of glass that refracts light
Cladding Branch of physics that studies the physical properties of light
radar _______efficiency- percentage of pump band population that transfers to the upper laser state
Bra The spacing between the modes of a Fabry-Perot etalon
Absorption Unwanted radiative transition in a laser system
TIR Gas laser, usual operats at 632.8 nm
Light photons with the same relative phase are _____
saturation metric unit of illuminance
coherent Fundamental particles, incapable of independent existence, that combine to form particles such as protons and neutrons.

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